Monday, June 25, 2007

My First Secret

After Jade introduced me to the PostSecret blog, I make a point of reading them whenever they are updated every Sunday. I think it's fascinating to read all of the thoughts people are holding on to. It's something I always wondered about when walking through a public place... everyone has a story, a thought, a memory, a secret. I think that fascination was why I chose to study Psychology, damn fascinations...

So anyway, I was sharing the website with the wife when she asked "So what would you write?" Since I tell my wife EVERYTHING (yes, I even told her about that), my only thoughts came to people I encounter every day via WoW. Hmm...

"You had no idea who you were grouped with, and once I found out who you were, I wouldn't allow my wife to be grouped with you again. You're that much of a douchebag."

That'd be my first secret, and I'm sure there will be many more to come. ;)


Jesika said...

gg you still read postsecret.

some people call me emo for liking that blog so much but ya know what, i love it.


Jagoex said...

It's brilliant. No other way to describe it.

Zy said...

Interesting outlet. Doesn't really get more anonymous than that.