We've all been there before. Just having left the Flight Master in a capital city, on our way to a distant city on the map, and wondering what we can do in the meantime as our toon glides over seemingly endless terrain on his or her mount. Most of the time, I end up sitting here at my computer, waiting the sometimes several minutes to pass before my character lands at his destinations. Other times I grab a drink, a bite, or something else just a tad more productive. But like I said... usually... it's just sitting here, waiting, several times a day, every day that I play.
As if people don't play this game long enough each day already.
On my way to Gadgetzan from Orgrimmar this morning, it hit me. Why in the hell am I having to wait several minutes during a flight that doesn't really exist? Not only is it incredibly unproductive in both RL AND in-game, but the time adds up quickly too. If you take even a few of the longer flight paths within a day, you're racking up 15-30 minutes of idle time. Yeah, that's a full episode of Robot Chicken or Family Guy, people. Serious business for sure. So why the hell do we put up with it? Why can't we just port from one point to the next?
My guess is that there is a point to the seemingly redundant flight mechanism the Bliz devs have designed. It could be a teaser mechanism that keeps the player just annoyed enough during a flight that they experience satisfaction upon landing, and good feelings = more playing, etc. Or it could just be that the devs want us to "see the land" they've created, perhaps giving us a glimpse at places we haven't been and could be exploring, leveling in, etc. Who knows. But to those of us who have flown each path countless times, wth is the point?
My suggestion: give players the option of flying or porting at each Flight Master location, after they have departed from or arrived at that point a certain number of times. You could even charge more for the direct ports even, just make them available!
Any amount of saved time is a good thing, afterall.
Its for the immersion. Many people like to suspend reality when they play rpgs, thus they add in a feeling of size to the world by not allowing you to skip around in it. Unless of course your a mage - thats lore.
Yeah, that's a part of "seeing the land" as one Dev put it during a 1up interview. That's all fine and dandy the first few times, but once you know what's out there, it's pretty pointless.
If sensing the size of the world was that important they would have made it a linear game. Flying everywhere even at 70 is stupid.
Transporting would make world pvp boring.
JAGO...whats up my main warlock that i only beat in 1 out of like 20 duels!...i miss playin Kegen. This is the first chance i have gotten to get on the net in a long ass time. Hope to talk at you laterz.
Zomg! Kergen! Long time no see man! How have things been? What's new? How's life???
things have been good..life is good tho thanks for asking =-)
Good to hear. Glad to see you back. :)
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