Yup. The pink stuff you drink when you have diarrhea, but in a sexy, vernacular form. It was hidden between the "Nerf THIS!" and "Warlocks are OP!" and "HAHA NERFED!" threads, and had taken the form of surprisingly good discussion! Reading through the threads definitely helped with the nausea I experienced after taking in the rest of the garbage on the forum. Hopefully, you can get some enjoyment and relief out of them too.
The Silent Spellstone: A quick and easy clarification on the Spellstone's application towards Silence and Counter-spell.
A 0/21/40 Shadow Destro Guide: An in-depth break-down of the pros and cons of this very popular heavy Destro build.
Broken UA and Cloak of Shadows: Not really well presented, but the idea and argument still holds some weight.
Seduce Macro Goodness: One of the best Seduce macros you will ever find. Every Warlock should implement this, period.
Seduce as CC: Not really useful material on the subject itself, but is instead a good representation of how incredibly dumb many Warlocks are. I love the response about using your Felguard to off-tank ONLY if you're Demo specced. Useful knowledge imho. Actually, this thread probably doesn't belong here, since we already know enough about the wet paper bag.
The Epic Face Roll: Not anything Warlock-related, but a good change from the norm. I Lol'd, anyway, and humor ftw! =P
100 'Locking Tips: A thread with some helpful tips and reminders for Warlocks, young and old. Even if you're not a Warlock, take a peek. You'll definitely find something useful here.
Hit Rating and the Cloak: A discussion on the mechanics of +Hit and the Cloak of Shadows. Good to know for those moments you find yourself verbally cursing the Rogue that just jumped you.
That's it for now. If you have a thread you'd like to highlight as a noteworthy read, link it up in the comments.
Off to lvl the PvP 'lock. See yas. ;)
I don't have a link, but I'm sure I could find a linkworthy one.
People who think that warlocks are OP because of what we do in a PvP situation obviously have NEVER seen an affliciton+whatever specc 'lock solo instances. I mean come on, hunters are the only thing that comes close and that's because they have fucking Feign Death.
I love how that is always overlooked in the arguement though. It's not that we're too inbalanced in comparsion to other classes... oh no... it's simply because it's so easy to be beaten by a warlock in PvP.
Q fucking Q, bitches. We're in cloth for God's sake.
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