This week's TotW may seem like a rather obvious and novice tip, but it's something that I don't see many Warlocks doing all that often, if even at all. Yet it's so basic and potentially useful, that it's worth mentioning at least once. Afterall, this is Warlock Therapy.
So what is this tip I'm talking about? Simply Soul Stone yourself when logging out of the game for more than 30 minutes. That way, upon logging in, you'll be able to conjure a SS for a healer or tank in your raid or party or for your healbot in the battlegrounds, all while having an active SS on yourself. So obvious, right? And it only costs a shard, so it's not like you've got much to lose getting into the habit of doing it.
I do this when I plan on pvping in the morning for dailys. The downside is that you can get killed fast twice, twice.
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Comment spam! You've made it man!! lol
~ B of A
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