"That #$% Captain Skyshatter..."I spent a good deal of time grinding away at the Nether Drake mount quest chain today. Most of that time was spent on the "Top Gun" quests, where you follow 6 different npcs on their flying mounts at high speed, all while they are shooting at you from their mounts. If you fall behind or get shot down, you gotta challenge that npc all over again, and let me tell you, it's very EASY to get shot down and killed (especially since the dragonmaw shoot arrows at you during the quest, which just has to be a bug). The first 5 challenges were pretty easy though. I equipped my Riding Crop and Carrot on a Stick and flew above the npcs while looking straight down to watch their flightpaths. That way, it was very easy to follow their movements and avoid their projectiles, even when things got a little crazy. However, the 6th challenge, Captain Skyshatter, was a completely different story.
Skyshatter (aka Skyshitter) took forever for me to beat, for several reasons. First, the chase is buggy as hell, and the guy kept despawning on me even when I was right next to him. Second, his projectiles (giant, fiery meteors) weren't loading fast enough, so I would get hit, catch fire, and fall off my mount even before I knew anything was coming at me. Thirdly, Skyshatter is on a Swift Netherdrake, which has a 310% mount speed compared to my 280% stock speed. Even with my trinkets, I was moving slower than he was, so I had to move in a straight line as much as possible to keep up (which made dodging the meteors even harder). There are other reasons, but whatever be the case and even excluding the bugginess of the challenge, he's hard as hell. Last I knew, only 3 people had beaten him horde-side (Lunthak, Chloe, and myself), which is pretty incredible if you think about it. I'd tell you how, but as all three of us agreed upon, it's more luck than anything, so I hope you got some with ya when you give him a shot. You'll totally need it. ;)
"Finally, More Warlock T4"Jade and I have been running around with our Voidheart gloves for some time now. Just to give ya an idea, I was the first warlock Horde-side to get T4, so yeah, it's been a while. We've taken Prince down many, many times and not once has he ever dropped the token for the 'lock T4 helm. I swear the guy hates us or something. Maybe he's in cahoots with... meh... I won't go there. =P So anyway, yeah, the both of us looked forward to our Prince attempt this week. And we STILL look forward to it in hopes that he will drop a helm for us, but Jade's shoulders were taken care of today courtesy of the High King. Yup, our pairing with Halcyon put us back in Gruul's this week and finally got our guild another piece of the Voidheart rainment. I am totally thrilled for Jade and am glad a boss has finally showed us 'locks some love. Hell, I'd recruit the guy if I could. Meh, he'd probably be poa... yeah, not going there. XD
"Hit or Miss"I learned something in Gruul's today. Actually, it was a thought that was reinforced more than anything. I
desperately need more spell hit gear. I've always given spell dmg priority over spell hit, but after my shadowbolts were getting resisted time and time again in Gruul's tonight, and now that Karazhan loot is buffed nicely, I think I can start picking up some hit gear without having to sacrifice dmg output. Should be nice. Hmm, maybe Ruin wouldn't be such a bad idea either...
"Coyotes are KoS"So I'm lying in bed here tonight and all of a sudden I hear this puppy yelping incredibly loudly down the street. The yelping turns into child-like screams of helpless horror. That lasted for a good 15 seconds. Then, silence. Other dogs in the neighborhood started howling and barking, and it turned into one of those "wth" moments for me. I got out of bed and walked out of the house just to catch a glimpse of a coyote, just like I did a night years ago when my sister's dog was attacked while at my parent's house. She had to be put down that night, and when I got home, I shot a pair of coyotes I saw parading down the street. I've hated coyotes ever since, and I swear if I see one, it's dead.
"Getting Old"I don't know if it's the season or what, but I've noticed a lot of people getting fed up with the game and our server's garbage attitude lately. I can't say that I blame them -- it's so childishly retarded when someone from another guild won't group with you for a pug run because of your guild tag, but it happens. The harassment of our GM has continued on, and that is getting very old as well. I'm getting to the point where I almost find it necessary to call these so-called men (military men, even... psh) out and even post some of what they've had to say. I'm sure their wives wouldn't appreciate the stalking, obsessive nature that they approach Jade with. Hell, no respectable person would. Hmm, that kinda reminds me of a comment an alliance re-roll made about generalizing the actions of a few to an entire guild. Well, there's your answer. No respectable, good person or group or entity would put up with garbage like that. But anyway, that's an entirely different post, and I gotta save some material for later, so... later. =)