I always thought that "of the Nightfall" was an amazing title for any Warlock, and especially those running Affliction as I had done during Wrath's initial release (v3.0). But as soon as the tree was nerfed in 3.1, I decided it was time to assault the Battlemaster title as a Destruction Warlock and became so absorbed by that grind that Sarth and his 3 drakes simply fell to the wayside. It didn't help that I wasn't amazingly PvE-geared or a member of a solid raiding guild, either.
But with the return of chart-topping Affliction raid DPS in Patch 3.3 and a membership in a casually hardcore raiding guild that is currently clearing ICC-25, I decided it was time to scratch the Sarth10-3D itch that I have ignored for too long.
Below is my pathetic attempt not only at video-making, but at the encounter itself. You'll understand what I mean when you watch the clip -- the sizing is all wrong (I couldn't get it to fill the YouTube frame) and the quality could definitely be better... and if that wasn't enough to poke fun at, just don't laugh too hard when I get stuck in the lava or come within 1k health of an embarrassing death in a void zone. >.< Gotta love early-morning zombie raids!
Thanks to the guildies who helped to make this happen. ;)
How did you get Sarth to spawn like that? And how did you get your Shadowbolts down to a 1.1 second cast??? Is this on a private server or something?
It's on the live realm (I'd never even consider the keylogging traps that are private servers). When you engage Sarth, he must be kept on the island he is standing on... otherwise, he despawns and respawns after 20 secs or so.
Our Hunter ran onto the island and aggroed him while the rest of us waited on the other side of the lava. When the Hunter feigned death, Sarth despawned and we rushed in to take our positions.
Those 1.1 second SBs are sexy eh? Over 700 Haste + BL + Haste Potion + Eradication ftw. ;)
The video looks great. What program are you using?
Pathetic? I think it's pretty cool that you even made the video. Pretty good production value for a simple raid encounter. Way to commemorate the event!
I like how it fades out once we move on to Tenebron... No need to indulge in what happens next... Heh!
Oh, and a "casually hardcore raiding guild". Great description. Nice.
Go B&T!
You edited the video to put yourself at the top of the damage meter, didn't you?
I'm going to fly down to So. Cal. and kick you in your ear. Check your VM, nub.
P.S. Warlock buffs? Yes please. :)
Nice vid jago!!!!!!
Call me, its been awhile since we had a weekend together and I'm gonna be in town!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How did you get Sarth to spawn like that? And how did you get your Shadowbolts down to a 1.1 second cast??? Is this on a private server or something?
January 1, 2010 12:30 AM
Anonymous SN said...
You edited the video to put yourself at the top of the damage meter, didn't you?
January 12, 2010 9:55 AM
Blogger Jagoex said...
I'm going to fly down to So. Cal. and kick you in your ear. Check your VM, nub.
P.S. Warlock buffs? Yes please. :)
January 12, 2010 11:49 PM
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January 13, 2010 6:47 PM
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