After playing WoW for about 4 years now, and having almost 360 days /played on my Warlocks, I can honestly say that there isn't much I get blown away by these days. One thing that does stop me in my tracks every time, however, is a Warlock in full Dreadmist Raiment gear. Today, that's a given rarity since the rainment is a Level 60 collection of pieces from the heydays of Vanilla WoW. But even back when running Strat and Scholo was the norm, it was still very uncommon to see a 'lock sporting a full Dungeon 1 set. It was inspiring to see, and still is to me.
But that is nothing compared to what you're seeing in the image above.
Resurrected (a fitting name for sure) is a member of my good friend Demordrah's army of alts. Not only did he spend a good amount of time gathering Dreadmist pieces from the several Level 60 dungeons that drop them, but he also invested a lot of questing and gold to put together the super rare and epic Deathmist Raiment set. That's DEATHmist, as in Dungeon Set 2 - a full set of which I had NEVER seen before his accomplishment.
To fully appreciate this feat, you really have to go back and actually experience the long and arduous tasks of putting together a full D1 set, and then questing hard to upgrade the pieces to D2. Even today, it would be a hella tedious task, so just consider how difficult it must have been for a Level 60 'lock to get a group motivated enough to help him get the job done. I remember being 7/8 Dreadmist myself (damn Jandice Barov and the Dreadmist Mantle that never dropped for me) and starting the upgrade quests, only to drop them after having put them off for months.
Looking back, and seeing Demo's alt in all of its D2 glory now, I very much wish that I had gone through with the upgrading effort. D1 was more than enough to strike fear into opposing players that loathed getting Feared and DoT'd to death--could you even imagine what it must have felt like for them to come across a 'locked decked out in full D2?! Total dread, imho. The set had, and still has a kind of "oh damn" look to it that just screams Warlock. Even in modern Azeroth, Demordrah was telling me of instances where people in Hellfire were whispering to ask about the "crazy" gear he was wearing. If only all armor design was still that compelling!
Congrats to you, Demo. It's nice to see someone with the motivation (and pain threshold) to get such an epic and true achievement done. I am indeed impressed. Well done, sir! :)
Why did you mention the BME olympics? I finally forget about it and then here it is. It's too graphic man.
You know, I think you're right. I don't like the opening to the post either, but kinda had to force it in order to get the closing I was going for. Maybe I'll just re-write the whole thing altogether. =/
Yeah rewrite it so its a little more kid friendly so my son can read it without asking too many questions I don't want to answer.
To go back and do all of that is impressive. There needs to be more people who appreciate the old world content like that.
And I agree with the anonymous ones.
Edited. Happy now? =P
Had the full rogue set, dual wielding skull forged reavers with lifesteal and the darkmoon: heroism card before I had my first piece of honor gear on my old rogue. Looked like a godamn mortal combat character.
On a side note - I don't agree with demanding censorship on private content. Thats just entitlement and lazyness.
(Of course that falls under a whole different scope of problems with the world that i'm not about to write a thesis in jagos commment section about :P )
This is the internet, your kid will find out what the BME Olympics are anyway, just like he'll find 2 girls one cup and tubgirl. Jagoex shouldn't have to rewrite his blog because you don't want to be a parent and explain things to your child.
360 days?! Dammnnnnnn
That is awesome. I've thought about collecting Dungeon Set 1 on my prot pally, since I've picked up a few pieces from the Baron runs I've done.
That takes some real commitment. I'm very impressed.
I love the picture composition Jag. Nice layering!
Wait what's all this about editing? What did the post say before?
I understand Jagoex is free to write whatever he wants. But I'm a member of his audience and have a right to be critical. Thanks for changing it. It sounds better this way.
Very cool! Congratulations Resurrected!
I'm about halfway through my Dreadmist set, and inspires me to keep going.
This is really an awesome sight. Bring back these designs!
That's it. In addition to every tier (except 3.. DAMN YOU BLIZZARD.) I'm getting deathmist.
You've more sadistic than the achievement system, Jago. I still <3 you anyway.
I did it.
took almost a month @ level 80. Still painful. Still ridiculous. It was fun though. =) It was dubbed in the guild as the "Why the fuck are you doing that quest" quest.
Wow, nice work! I wish I had the patience for that...
Such a good writer too. You need time to create that brilliant and in addition real effort to create a excellent article.
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