Ask a Warlock, any Warlock, what changes they would like to see implemented in a future patch, and amongst the calls for "green fire" and a new Megan Fox succubus skin, you are more than likely to find a few that will wish for stack-able Soul Shard.
We 'locks have often complained that our shard reagents are an inconvenience, taking up too much space and taking far too long to farm before a night of raiding or PvP. Even after the recent lifestyle tweak to Drain Soul, we still complained that the shard mechanism was too costly, taking up too much of the the time we could be spending doing something else equally as unimportant as shard-farming.
Well, my friends, the reality is that the Soul Shard mechanism isn't that big a deal, and it is far less time consuming than you think. Check out the video below for a hot tip on how to make Soul Shard farming super efficient, no matter your level or experience.
OMG! How did I not know this??? Thank you!
Jago! Make a video guide on lock dps rotations and demonstrate it on a dummy for us.
...and I can't believe how basic your UI is. I know your DPS so I don't question you. But damn.
LOL?! That is definitely going to get fixed.
You can also get shards by dueling a friend. I do this before every raid with the other warlocks to make sure we are all full.
p.s. soul shards are a broken mechanic
roflnerf incoming...
As affliction...shards are no big deal. I don't even pay attention to them. When a npc gets to 25% I'm draining soul...so I stay full.
What does drive me nuts is the bag full of shards I'm expected to carry around with me. With hunters not being required to carry an ammo bag, I believe we are the last class to have the burden. I know every class has their reagents etc., but I got 32 slots of them, and those slots can only be filled by shards.
I agree with Nightzbane. It is extremely irritating to have to deal with shards. I am only level 54 and so am constantly grinding quests which means my bags are jammed packed constantly, the Soul Shard mechanic is irritating. They need to stack.
/agree with NzB... For affliction 'locks especially this is no big deal.
Truth. This is mostly an issue for PvPers (BG or Arena) who can't sit in one spot and Drain Soul their target without being roflstomped. Summoning and re-summoning certain demons, casting Shadowburn, constantly creating HSs... it adds up very fast!
In raids, it's the summoning of wells and portals that eats up my shard count. I currently DPS bosses as Affliction, however, and as you guys stated, it's no big deal since we're pretty much refilling whatever we have lost at that point. Good observation.
OMG! it's Demo, lol. Say hi to him for me will ya, Jago?
You guys still play on Alexstrasza? It's pretty cool you're still playing with people you were playing with years ago.
@Hatzman: Incoming! I've actually been working on one and a PvP vid for a while. I'm just waiting on my copy of Final Cut to finish it up.
@Nikto: Hey! We're not on Alex anymore -- Onyx transferred to Ghostlands for some awful reason back when the server was first created. Many of us are still here and active, though, which makes it fun. Wish you were here too!
JAY GO EX. I was saying it JA GOX. ^.^
You sound so stuffy! ^.^
Smeksy imo.
^This <3
I.... I didn't know that you could do that. It's genius!
Holy crap. Gonna Google Translate it to see what it says.
That last one says:
"Rare footage Geki! Learn the visual treasures of entertainers! Take unlimited pictures and treasure the rare incident image simply register free, must see the video of the limited time"
Wasn't Geki a character from Street Fighter?
What... the... heck...
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retractable baby gate
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